Author: bigcat47

Episode 5


So let’s clear the air on the problem of the week for me. Haley, are you hot or are you not? I feel like I need the hot or not app for this( little weekly plug to make money….I’m not making any money I can’t fool you smart peoples) I feel like she is your 2nd cousin she’s hot but is she? Is it worth banging her and eventually having the whole family of 4 generations past find out and give you them crazy eyes? Like it’s a set up you can’t win here…just for the record I don’t know who my second cousin is and if I did I probably wouldn’t marry her…..maybe. Can never total shut the door on things always a slight chances.

Let’s recap where we left off from last weeks cliff hanger…yeah still pissed about that fuck you MTV, the exes (ex’s) still haven’t figured it out are here. The only one happy is… everyone. Except Jamie cuz she fucking hates her ex. But seriously how is everyone happy to see their ex? I’d probably stand there with look I have on my face 90% of the time( and it’s the I’m so confused looked, probably should close my mouth so people don’t think in retarded…nope I’m just going to stand here in silence and not say anything till everyone leaves me alone look).

Toms girlfriend took his virginty in high school, how cute…ohh wait Tom welcome to the 21st century that’s how 85.5% of us do. Okay that number probably is really high but I’m already two lines down the page and can’t change it now. But seriously dude you are no different then most decently good dressed looking dude banging it out with their first love in high school. But news flash son that shit never last…trust me and all the other half bros in America. Like I’m just super angry writing today and I feel like I’m shitting on my boy Tom. Or I’m just taking my past out on him fuck it doe I gotta take it out on someone.

“Omg omg omg omg”. Shut the fuck up Jenny I don’t give any finna’s, you can say Ohhh-Meh-Gee (that’s how the kids use it now I think, fuck you guys I’m trying to fit in). But it doesn’t make up for you being a sloot and banging everything that breaths and has a snake trouser.
And holy shit first the subway plugs now the fucking fedora Arielle is wearing, every week some has a god damn fedora on. You watch mark my motha fuggin word I’ll be wearing one in the summa time now cuz shit rubs off on me so easily and all my bros will be like gay. And then I’ll just have to come out and be gay….ahhahahahah not a chance…ever.

Pour up (drank), head shot (drank),
Sit down (drank), stand up (drank),
Pass out (drank), wake up (drank)
Faded (drank), faded (drank).

Live by that right there kids, actually don’t I don’t even live by that motto. After like stand up I’d be like, “I’m good kendrick in going to sit down again and pass out.” Just lkke skip to pass out so kendrick leaves me one. I dont know why I just did this like I seem to get distracted and just write what I hear sometimes. Terrible multitasker.

Everyone is laughing I don’t get this, stop laughing and fight with you ex! Be mean I didn’t pay to watch you clowns all live happily ever after I want tears from the chicks and shiners passed out by Brian and Cory.

Jenna says to jay he gets to look at her for 6 weeks…and so do we jay so you’re shit out of luck. Every bro watching real world…so me and Dan Katz and every gay guy in the U.S. get to eyeball your girl…so now it windled down to me and Dan and Dan likes Haley…chump so just me. Watch out Jay up to 7 pull ups at the gym. And 6 protein shakes a day.

Uhh Jake Bugg is playing now like he’s got this one song I’ve hear a million times and it’s actually pretty good. Little blues southern rock thing going for it but I feel like every other song by him must suck. But girls go crazy over him so it’s cool I guess. Same thing for me when I stand there with my confused look.

Lauren Cory’s ex just did like 8 double chins fucking gross you are on the television set across the country every girls doing her hair and half watching to judge you while they get ready for high school tomorrow are judging you harder than that 2×4 slab that hit you in the face when you were born. Boom that was harsh.

I can’t keep up with everything, it moves way to fast. Now Macklemore is playing he would hate me and my blog with my harsh stance on politics and religion…ohh and the whole being gay thing.

Tom dated this chick in jr year and they still talk. Not okay. Unless you’re still dating…which they’re not…fuck. Tom you are really ticking me off lately. Cut the umbilical cord brother. This show will get you any chick you want from c-list celebrities down.

Arielle’s collar bone is disgustingly gross. Like ja feel I’m skinny but holy cow can you just drink a gallon of milk a day for a few weeks and put 10lbs on. What’s that Arielle? You can’t ohh that’s right you’re a model and can’t…still confused in how she became a model. And why is it Macklemore and Ryan Lewis? That bro doesn’t do anything but yell “whoaa” in the mic and press dj buttons….sounds like a total job for me. Be like yeah I’m a artist jk I play with programs in the puker and let Macklemore spit sick rhymes to them.

Cameron is British, that’s Jamie’s ex fuck everything he’s ever done get back with him and free Tom!!! He is basically Russell Brand but skinnier and probably ten times less of a total faggot. I got beef with Russell, and how the fuck did he get Katy Perry? That’s like how has any girl ever looked at me and said he’s cute. Count it zero. (Some times I say stuff like that but it’s not true, there’s this dope as barista chick that loves me at Starbucks…did I mention she 3bills large?)

Brian and Cory gonna fight money’s on Cory cuz I hate Brains hair. But in reality Cory is all fake spray tan and bench press so Brian would actually rip him to sheds.

Tom is redder than my ball sack after I get kicked in the dick by life. Can’t handle two girls at once get out the real world Tom this is your life now!

Jesus Arielle and her ex just basically dry humping and kissing on the floor. Get a room or give me a syenite capsule so I can end torture you’re putting me through.

Brian possessive and aggressive? A juice head! Jenny might be the definition of a dumb fuckin blonde.
And holy shit have I ever mentioned how big of a slut Jenny is. Yeah that’s right I have but it’s called Marxism or some shit where you give the dog a treat enough at the same time and it’s just drilled in their brain that Jenny is a slut or they need a cookie or some shit.

Jenny and Cory smoking cigarillos…what are you black? Ohh you are Cory sorry forget I mentioned anything carry on. Jenny go fuck yourself.

Toms so good at pool guys the total package. And he’s the mediator between Brian and Cory. Look look I’m Tom just being perfect and soft like my baby butt.

Brian is box jumping the window ledge holy shit cool bro? What a cock. You can box jump house hold items. Just to prove I can be on the real world I’ve been box jumping my bed in my boxers for the past 10min.

Lauren wants to connect with Cory so they take a shower together these are the craziest exes ever. And shit Jenny is getting emotional now. They’re just friends happy for each other though, your word Jenny man up. Seriously you are built like a man and would probably destroy me so man up.

Tom is asking why Jamie doesn’t want her ex to come? Maybe because she’s normal and cut ties like most normal people. Tom you fuckin idiot flip the script she doesn’t have feelings for him you have feeling for your girlfriend from when you were 17 still. Jesus Christ you can’t be friends with your ex, cuz then this shit happens bigcat lesson 157. Cut ties with all exes right away. Then the only way you connect back with them is if +3 years go by of no contact and your like “shit girl you fine still” and she like “damn shorty you looking sexy” and you take her on a date and pretend you’ve changed an matured…but we know you haven’t jokes on them you’re still the self righteous prick from 3 years ago! Never fails trust me…never failed cuz I’ve never done that. And probably won’t cuz I’m mature as shit.

Jamie testing tom again what is this high school. Fuck sake you test me I’ll fight you. That’s how I passed school and got my GED, just fucking fight the night school teacher who’s a pencil pushing bitch by day when he hands you the multiplication table quiz. 6×6 tough 48 look in fine.

God how do people run and have a conversation so weird. And Jenny you can’t get any less fat by walking on a treadmill run you fat fuck. I’m angry tonight and I’m not going to apologize for it. These people bring my stress level from like a 2 to a 7 on Wednesday nights.

Tom, Jamie and Haley can’t be friends. ex and current gf friends? Are you fucking high? Never has happened in like 175 years the earth existing. There’s your fucking math bitches.

Sweet denim plaid shirt shirt Cory….jk bro you look like a rapist cowboy black guy (note he is black so that’s always a factor can’t change that).

Everyone has great facial hair. I wish I could grow a mustache. But then I look like Jeff Dohmer if you throw a pair of glasses from the 80’s on me. Not a bad look or anything Jeff, okay yeah it is but incase he’s still alive like all those conspiracy theories I gotta cover my tracks.

Tom needs a hair cut, Brian needs less hair gel, jay needs to get his hair cut at an even length, Cory needs to not have nappy black hair. I basically have great hair, and they need my hair. Except Tom do you Tom.

I’m going to be completely honest I’m only half way through the episode and I’m just not feeling the writing anymore
Missed a good ten min box jumping on my bed so sorry guys that’s on me. Just watch the fuckin show so I don’t have to fill you in every week and have you criticize me on my piss poor grammar and shit.

Oh look jay is checking Tom out, gay.

Jamie your not fat. 😉 that’s my sexy wink your normal tell every girl that and you’ll be dating chicks for life.

Jay can get any girls number but he can’t cuz his girl is here now…rough shit man…correct me if I’m wrong, which I’m not but that’s what a relationship is called in pretty sure.

Haley they asked when you last hooked up with Tom not when he kissed you before he left. What are you fuckin 12 don’t be a prude answer them….thanks Tom it’s been 2months that’s how you answer a question, Haley. Big mistake Lauren MTV crew catches all, they are going to play you and Haley talkin shit you bimbo! Don’t ever think the crew isn’t listening. That’s like the first rule of reality tv.

I can’t handle this Tom is feeding Haley cheese in bed. Then she says fuck you basically after a little cheese and Tom takes the hint…finally. How weird is it to be dating a chick and you’re in the other room sitting on your ex bed feeding her craft singles and talking about how great the cheese is? Must not be weird at all cuz tom was in heaven. Personally I would of been a little classier and not used kraft singles but hey whatever works.

7girls on their periods synced? Is that even possible. Fuck that I can’t handle one girl on a period alone. Run for the hills boys. Just kidding no worries it’s impossible to sync 7 periods at once…or is it? Wouldn’t know never been with 7 girls at once. Only 6 sorry guys can’t give a 100 confident answer here.

Tom used to have short hair. That’s good news. He is cool in my book again, just like that. Tom is back and fourth with me lately but it’s never serious so no worries.

Haley is a sneaky bitch she has a plan set up you can smell it. She’s like that chick from sex and the city. Gonna fuck Tom over so hard (I’ve never watched that show…)

Jenny says she wouldn’t want any other guy but Brian to raise her children. Bull shit, ever heard of Clint Eastwood? First guy besides myself if choose to raise my kids. What happened to him though seriously, old and wrinkly now? I thought movie stars had money to fix that shit. Stay golden pony boy.

God Brian and Cory are both better looking and better built than one another is that even possible. I bench more then them….just kidding I hit that young plate though sukkas.
Foreal doe I hit the gym 4-5 times a week now and think I’m getting big and in reality I’m still a fucking pussy ass twig compared to these guys tv stars just lower my confidence. Then I see Tom and he makes everything better. And Sam Matranga, kid always brightens my day. Basically the one who saves me every time I’m in the dumps.

What ever park they’re at I want to go there. Let me draw you a picture up here, there’s green grass, picnics and drinking fountains. So wild!

Tom is like muffin…soft…but sometimes they get crusty if you leave then out but stay soft on the outside. Basically Tom has a great shell to cover his inner softness. The reason I know this is because that’s what I used to describe myself. I’m a goddam whole grain blueberry muffin.

Jenny and Brian are growing up now. Wow you’re only 25 about time you meat sticks.

Cory’s ex is so ugly and bad I dont know how that happens. Ohh I know because they’ve been on and off since Cory was a twig 7th grader and just like everyone else Cory can move on.

What the fuck there is no episode next week? Boycot this show. Just kidding I’ve been in such a need of a break like I stress about this blog all week. New material for 13 episodes is tough. I’ll probably just repost these for the next 6 weeks and hopefully no one catches on and write a final 13 episode one.

Holy cow Michael Phelps was just on my tely. Scary looking mother fucker.

Tom is a pussy fuck everything I ever said about him. Just break up with Jamie and go back to Haley you’re being a puss.

I’m done with this I can’t think of anything good and just waisted another hour of my life fucking Christ.

Bigcat signing out of a subpar blog this week.

Ps I got two weeks to think of mean funny things to say so get ready. I’ll make up for this weeks. Gotta put pants on and go to class…or do I? Can I just stroll into class with my lucky brand boxers and north face with my snow boots? Let me know.

Week 4 or Episode 4 or Fourth Week, Fourth Episode (You Call It)!

Week 4 lets gooooooooo!

Exes are moving in…aka we get to look at Jays girlfriends ass for an hour(well I was wrong it was 3sec they came in at the end) I suck.
Tom what a guy abstinence with Jamie aka huge blue balls fuck tv bone her already. Either way we know it’s coming just screw her I won’t judge you. I’ll probably applaud you. (Clap clap clap)

Great we get to listen to Arielle and her lesbo girlfriend fight. I can’t write about this cuz who fucking cares. That’s right no one shits gross.

Cory and Jenny fucking and talking about Ex’s with each other…strange I don’t get it never have never will cuz I’ll fall asleep after I’m done writing this and forget. Cory dated a chick for 8 years?…fuck that. How painful do you think that was? I’m on a two year plan like getting your associates degree everyone’s happy for you when you get it but they know it’s nothing special. Unless you’re Eric Sutherland cuz he’s getting his In fire science and he coo so shout out to Eric! Woohoo so cute.

Tom doesn’t burn bridges, respect! I don’t burn em either….I fucking blow them up haha sukka. Booom goes the dynamite. Basically. Jays crying cuz his ex is at his moms fav club that’s really weird. And I hope they fail at getting back aka swooping in BigCat for the steal, zoink. What’s Arielle planning bitch this is sketchy erotic dinner? Hey would you like a salad with your boner (haha I laughed at my own joke).Tom doesn’t he just loves the food slurpin his clam chowda. Jay is gay proven! He got a massage maybe a handy from a waiter….FAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!…!!!!!!

There’s just going to be a huge orgy when they get back

Hey Jenny way to go 1+1= 2 no fuck
And 3 depressed emojis😞 + 5❓’s + 80⭐️’s + 3 sweaty guches = Kirsten Dunst

Everyone’s boning even tom! and jays flexing his pussy arms in the camera…I’m 155lbs I have bigger arms bro btw ya tom 3 girls now so happy for ya. Be proud of me though I’m almost positive I have bronchitis or some shit maybe a common cold fuck it but I’m sitting here watching this shit unmedicated for you.
Arielle breaking up with a lesbian wasn’t a mistake best choice of your life silly.

Jamie stop being hot and she’s supporting FWB we could be friends. If she lost the gauges. Probably not though I’m like 20…actually facts checked out I’m not like 20 I am 20. Huh whaddya know.

What’s that BigCat? That’s right this did seem boring, Ashely is dead…or gone I dont know who cares this show sucks. Tom whaa whaa whaa making duck faces when people on the phone. Shows great again.

Cory’s ex can’t be waiting around for Cory to suck on his binky? I dont know what that even means sounds gross doe what’s a binky? You mean blanket? Even if who sucks a blanket? Fuck your ex Cory.

Jays a cock, poor Jenna don’t even know her yet but I want her away from him now! He’s always got a toothpick in his mouth what are you Tony Soprano? Wait lemme check, no you’re not…(I dont know if Tony had tooth picks but only hardo I could think of..RIP Tony) p.s. I think I’ve watched 3 episodes of the Soprano’s damn I suck sorry Tony.

Comercial time. So today I went to the gym and started with some Arnold presses cuz if you aren’t Arnold you aren’t lifting and I figured why not just do the next closest thing to being Arnold…Arnold presses. It was shoulders day so I did my shit and was like wait I need some reps for Jesus and did some bicep curls. While I was

Jenna’s pissed…Check one for me here I come fuck you Jay. Notice how I just stopped typing during the commercial and just stopped mid sentence to get back to this for you guys. Dedication.

I don’t like Toms style to much Cali swag gotta get the mint shorts canned kinda gay. Really gay.

What the fuck is a gaysha? I know it has the word gay in it. Jamie you look extra Korean with that on. And Tom is fucking Jamie to get over an ex my guy. You go Glen Coco (name that movie, don’t worry I got you…Mean Girls).

Why does everyone’s ex call? No one talks to their ex this much do they? If so I’m way out of touch. Hold lemme call my Ex’s and see what they up too. Ohh you still all hate me…cool cool figured just wanted to check in though cuz that’s what the kids are doing now a days. Then I hang up, finger gun the shit out of myself in the mirror and say you sexy beast. Brush my hands through my hair and check out my abs. 4 pack bitches can’t get those lowest 2, not that it’s hard I’m just lazy and the other 4 come at a low cost of 5 crunches a year so yeah why do anything else.

Arielle has a fedora wtf and Jenny has a hookah thing I’m pissed everything sucks about this show again, Except Jenna, and Tom, and Jamie…and making fun of jay and did I mention Jenna’s ass? (Didn’t think so) Jenna’s ass can’t leave that out. ass ass ass ass ass ass and for the kids. Butt or booty or apple bottom or bum or rumple smoothskin or BigCats favorite female feature after of course hair and smile and eyes ohhh and sometimes I like to check their personality but ehhh that’s only a little important. (Surgeon general warning I’m not like that at all, I’m actually a sweet gentleman, maybe I don’t know that sounds kind of pussyish) nvm I’m a total hardo. Fuck bitches get money. Sorry mom again didn’t mean that.😉

Jays a pussy you kissed a girl and your eyes are red get your dick out of the lock Jenna has on it. You scared bro? Jenny it’s fucked up jay kissed a girl? You have fucked like 13 times tonight in this episode that’s maybe airflow messed up aye?

Grudge reenactment Jamie as the grudge And Cory pissed himself that was the best ahhahahahah good stuff gang. The reason I say gang is because your in my gang. BCGOD (BigCatGangOrDie)

Jenny you bitch you fucking with Tommy you bitch, and you were wrong he didn’t send the messages he received it. Uhh fuck girl code can’t help girls love tom it’s lkke same thing for me. People don’t forget great guys. I get emails from chicks all the time. Mostly from CL saying let’s hookup tonight you animal call 583-493-5690 and bring 80 bucks…not a hooker…fuck it is isn’t it. Damit aye this stays between my dearest blogger loggers and big cat can’t have all my old hoes reading this and calling me up asking if I was with hookers(ps that’s not a actually hookers number nice try, I can already see Carlson dialing it in his eyePhone 5s. So cool bro nice eyePhone. Chump. We got beef.

Jamie’s right Tom needs to close the door. Can’t leave that shit open to girls. Than you have on and off shit forever exhibit A) you tom! Fuck I’m losing faith in my guy…just kiddin he my guy.

Trip time! Aka sneak the exes aka Jenna booty booty booty booty rockin errwhere. Wrong again Jenny, Ashley isn’t coming for her clothes you bitch it’s your ex coming everyone but you 6 saw it coming. Fuck and she came back I look dumb. Hopefully they bring the Ex’s phew they are yikes that coulda been embarrassing.

Is it exes or ex’s? I have no idea so I use both. Fuck Jenny’s driving the boat and she almost crashed it. Ughhh hate her….

Tom and Jamie chillin in the sunset reminds me of the glory days…never done that but you didn’t know that. Until now god I keep given away my deepest wants and secrets. Jay you don’t have 6 roommates you have 5 and yourself you fuck face. You aren’t your own roommate. Hey roommates and myself roommate so dumb you look ridic gay boy.

**commercial of the night**
Clearsale…clearocell….clear-sale? whatever the fuck it is strawberry face wash…I wasn’t paying attention so that’s what you get losers.

Wow Arielle giant black dildos? Disgusting no one has a 12in black dick! Atleast not me, one because I’m white obviously and two well I’m white and white guys max out at like 9 and sadly I’m not a 9 actually gladly I dont know what I’d do with that. Do you get a complementary leg sling when you’re born sheeze.

Lauren is a bitch fuck Cory’s ex I already hate her. I dont know why but I do. Maybe because she’s ugly
And Hailey, Tom nice work not bad-not great but 6.73 out of 10 I can dig it though. Heads up though Tom you’re in for it 😔sad emoji for Tom. 🍤and a shrimp.

Jenna!!!!!!!!!!!!! And hailey no one is going to form an alliance with you. Team Tom vs Team Hailey who ya got? I know who I got.
Holy shit I took a lot of notes on this weeks show. This ones going to be long…like Arielle’s dildo!! Ayeyo! Get it cuz it was like 12 inches expect this blog isn’t a cock or black or 12 inches long. It’s on a white back drop, not a penis still, and probably like 175inches long.

Anyone got some protien powder? Fucking hungry I’m turning into a fucking bro I’m brogender aka I’m going from skinny to normal size guy with huge biceps cuz I always hit em in the gym now. It’s basically like transgender but brogender and I keep my penis…I hope I have been taking like 3 supplements maybe my dick will shrink. Who knows? I don’t have 12 inches to work with should prolly lay off some of that shit then. By supplements I meant HGH btw.

Lot of dick talk tonight sorry guys
Blake griffin red bull commercial dumb.

That ending was some sick gansta shit with Brian turning around in his chair, like surprise motha fucka and then bang bang bang the others pop up from behind the counter except they didn’t shoot anyone they waived which is okay no killings this season.

Okay so bet time. I have a gambling problem btw so who ya got?

Bet 1 first to hook up with their ex:
*Jenny: 1/1(pick this, guaranteed)
Arielle: 3/1
Cory: 3/1
Jay: 5/1
Tom: 12/1(long shot to sweet)
Jamie: healthy scratch (her ex isn’t there)

First to fight:
Jenny: 4/1
Arielle: 30/2
*Cory: 2/1
Jay: 0 he’s gay
Tom: 50/1
Jamie: 24/1

First to fug:
*Jenny: 3/1
Arielle: 4/1
Jay: 5/1
Jamie: ……0

* indicates BigCats picks, be creative don’t pick the same ones. Primarily because I know I’m right and want to be solely in the spot light.

**Btw it’s replaying in again and jay said he was raised hard. You cried 3 times already and you gay nice try meat stick ain’t possibly true. And pics are up of the grudge shit. Scary stuff I get scarred uploading the pics.

BigCat out bout to go hit the biceps real quick. Reps 4 Jesus

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Episode 3

What a start to episode 3. Called it high five BigCat “slap slap” (that’s me giving myself a high-5) jays mam is dead. Sorry jay, being gay has a price and your mom died…well maybe I’m wrong on my facts about how you develop cancer but can’t prove that can ya! This whole death thing is a hoax I’m making that call right now. I’ll dig into it and see if she’s actually dead this week…probably not, we can just assume it’s a joke. (All do respect though got to show some sympathy towards Jay and his lost….but with that being said, I’m still going to pick on him relentlessly).

I have to give Cory credit. Bear suit scare tactics with the public love it, except I really wish it was a cat suit. So much better now one likes bears pointless animals. Lets talk about jay though, surprise surprise no one ripped the gay boys numbers….guess MTV just planted one there…or it was Ashley on a drunken tantrum? Btw Jays socks are disgustingly dirty ever heard of bleach bleach bro? Or better yet, target? Massive sock selection, fucking New Yorkers so dirty.

Hahaha haha ha ha….Arielle called Jenny thick and she knows how to work the ass….naw dawg she’s just fat I think that’s the word Arielle meant to use. Thick is just a polite word for fat, like yeah I’m thick boned. No you’re just fucking fat, hit the elliptical Jenny.

Tom is the cutest drunk I’m devolving a man crush on him. Totally not gay look up the difference between man crush and gay before you jump to conclusion and judge a person(that’s my job to jump and judge people immediately). I have stress I’d be Tom. I’m the guy that’ll fall asleep in the corner. Idgaf about anyone else I’m just being a straight G is Toms motto. Respect right there.

So Ashley doesn’t like having to take care of others, she is the one who needs to be taken care of, so she’s going home? What a bitch, like uhhh I can’t even comment on that. Jay claims he would be great in jail because he gets a letter everyday from his ex? This is so fuckin weird on so many level. Yeah, you’d fit in well in jail, or things would be fitting in you well you mean to say? He’d be fresh meat don’t drop the soap bro…or maybe drop it whatever you like….ha we know what you like it’s gucci, go head and drop the soap.

Cory’s a bitch stop calling your ex…pussy…”hey i know we aren’t together but let me tell you my problems on the phone right quick” imagine if we all still talked to out Ex’s bout our problems? You go ahead and imagine cuz I don’t want too.

God dammit Jenny your a fucking slob puking in bushes and your hair roots yuk yuk she nasty, I’m truly surprised Arielle would even step out in public with that slob. And Jay has been trying to piece his ripped up phone numbers up for the whole show so far. How do you not know your own home phone number that’s essential, god you’re an idiot!

I’m so over Jenny and Cory already “they’re doing us” I’m not sure what they’re doing but I think it’s just banging. But they friends,so confused. FWB? sounds like that to me. Just say that you two fuck sticks.

Uhhohh the news about jays mom just hot him hard like a runaway train hitting a fly…(I wrote that metaphor trying to be funny, realized quickly that it wasn’t, but I’m finna leave it anyway.) This is rough though Jay said he hasn’t cried since he was 5 bullshit….and why is Cory throwing shit? The guy you’ve know for 2 weeks, mom passed away and you act like you’ve been jays partner for 4 years and his mom is basically your mother-in law. Chill nikka.
I love how jay only says good bye to Arielle, Tom, and Jamie…he’s like fuck I can’t deal with the other retards right now and lets them be.

Ashley is turning her drunk life around….who we kidding she just lying. Bitch tore jays home numbers up! It’s out…he’s going to murder her when he gets back from the Bronx. I’m pretty sure he will blame his moms passing on Ashley for tearing his phone numbas up and he couldn’t call to save his mom….he’s still retarded for not knowing his home phone number.

Bike rally and subway fucking right what a great 30 sec clip to add between commercials. And the nude guy on a bike while Jenny stuffs her fat fucking face with a cold cut combo. (I feel like in advertising for Subway now fuck me)

How great is Tom? I’ve addressed this multiple times. Arielle is “trying to get off” aka masturbate and Tom totally unknowingly kills it with a great quesadilla story! “Hey Arielle, have I ever told you the story of how I won free quesadillas for a year?” No Tommy prolly not cuz know one has that type of story in their arsenal, but please go on and ruin her pleasure time. What a dude free quesadillas for a year. Bet you’d never guess how he won that achievement. It was a quesadilla eating contest and he won! Holy cow I’m flabbergasted.

Frenchy Mcfrencherson is back y’all. And he’s not sure why he’s dating Ashley…can’t blame him either though. Prolly sex? Because besides that, which is probably pretty wild because Ashley is an absolute nut case, but she probably has great bedroom skills. But I mean Frenchy always has her great charm, alcohol problem, slutty smoking cum dumpster (also known today as a sloot) self for ever, because you can’t shake that crazy away ever.
And Ashley do you only own one dress? 2 outta 4 nights she’s had that dress on. And it’s caused drama, catch my drift girl? It’s the cocktail dress lose it, lose the tude! I solved Ashley!!!! Nvm though she wants to go home again. She really really really wants to go home. She just went off the deep end. When I’m drunk I’m like a cute little kitten with mittens on just purrrin and giggling my ass off. Ashely’s like a drunk lion who’s realized her hoodrat lion of a boy friend just cheated on her and wants to destroy my mittens. Like step off Ashley leave my mittens alone I’m just doing my thing over her.

Also I just wanted you to know my dedication, I had a cup of coffee while watching this show and had to poop so badly but I stuck it out because I knew I couldn’t be in and out during a commercial break. And I paid the price by holding that bad boy in to say the least.

Hah! Ashley is talking to herself…loser (I guess I’m a loser too than, cuz I talk to myself in my sleep sometimes if you guys…and girls I guess count talking in your sleep).

Jays gf is a total smoke. When does she come on the show? Fuck everything else. Yoga pants to a funeral she knows what’s good. I have a good feeling I’ll just be posting enormous amounts of pics of her and totally disregarding writing anything once she is full time. I’m actually honestly shocked subway didn’t serve finger sandwiches at Jays moms funeral. “Meatball mariners anyone? It’s jan-u-any you know? I’d like the chicken teriyaki”

Why is Ashley SSN in her purse! And why is the producer helping her find. (Don’t help this bitch) And why the fuck would your purse be in a tree plant you moron. I don’t think you need to unroot the plant to find your purse you wouldn’t miss it if it was just chilling in the pot. But no worries it wasn’t in the now dead trees pot.

I think Cory just oovooed a porno? Like 5 chicks twerking in a bedroom? Such a fucking bro he is.

Jay got hung up on cuz he tried to have an accent and mess with Tom..Tom what a putz, how do you let jay fool you bro? He’s sucha dork.

Arielle has only had a vibrator she can’t wait to bang her gf? Wait a sec? Like the whole lesbian thing is just confusing, what’s considered sex between you two? When does “fooling around” become sex. Cuz foreplay isn’t sex and unless they have a strap on I’m mind boggled with what sex is anymore.

Jenna leave jay you can’t have a gay you can have me ;))))

Arielle is juiced! For jay I like that word. Bigcats juiced for juice! So juiced to be writing this sick blog. I just took a wicked whiz and I’m juiced now. Juiced juiced juiced!
Jay thinks everyone is lying about his mom and Ashley. No one lies about that. And I hate his haircut. It’s like hair…gap of no hair…beard hair? Why can’t you just get a regular haircut? Be like Tom let your hair take it’s natural growth pattern. Except long hair is for pussies one down fall for Tom. Fuck “flow” sounds and makes you look foolish get a haircut. Be manly.

Tom hates Ashley it’s so clear like regardless of the show. Scripted or not he just would hate her anyway

House vote!!!!!! She’s fucked Ashely is never coming back. Can’t leave and call back asking for a vote to be let back in! Jay looks dumb supporting Ashley and house vote is 4-2 she gone. Of course Jenny supports her.

**favorite comercial of this week is the beats comercial with Pharell. Such a catchy tune and pharell is ight himself. Except he’s wearing a fedora…fuck I hate that comercial now

Well this show is going to suck now who the fuck am I going to pick on? Ashley was so easy. See ya next week ya bishes.

-BigCat Outie3000
Btw I’m going to watch this redneck version on CMTv because I hear it’s just like this show just on steroids because they’re always drunk hillbillies. I’ll keep ya updates sukkas.

Also I made tshirts check it

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This Ones on Me

Fuck! I missed it. Every week they play a 9pm and 10pm showing. But no no no the week I need to bank on the second epi they lay this shit on me. Fuck you MTV and your unstructured programming. I’m done with the show.

I’m just fucking around I’ll catch it on the solid ondemand 2mrw

Episode 2

Okay we need to clear the air about the first subject that’s really starting to grind my gears. What the fuck is deal with subway? How low are you mtv? Plugging subway during episodes of my reality tv show. It’s bad enough we have to watch commercials of some washed up fish Michael Phelps (no disrespect but he looks like he has Down syndrome). But on to the actual show. How on earth can Cory say we family already…you guys have been in a house for 4 days. I don’t even call my actual family, “family” and I’m 20 years and 80 days old. Weird I know that isn’t? Or is it? Who cares. I’m just kind of going to not have any structure to his week and I say that now cuz I’m about to drop a bomb on you guys…Let’s make things clear, Ashley is a CUNT, ( I said it wanna fight about it?) and no I’m not going to justify why because anyone can see it, I’m just the only one that’ll say it. Let’s move to the unsung hero of the night and me new favorite bud. Thomas- only boned three girls his whole life and he’s like 24-25 makes me feel great. I’m doing something right if Tom is too. Yeah yeah they judging him but Tom still has a lot of people beat.
What’s the deal with Cory, total hardo or total pussy? Cory would be upset if someone cheated on him…he’s cheated on like 18 chicks can Cory just plead the 5th? He’s is a sly motha fucka(black lingo) cuz Jenny feels like sloppy seconds cuz Cory done made out with Ashley and plays it off so easy sleasy and Jenny is right back on his dick. I don’t get it. This show is such a tease what’s real in the real world and what isn’t tell me!!

Tom is my guy though, I can’t lay off this topic. Total respect for girls, gotta love it but he doesn’t show his hand. Poker face poker face, no they can’t read his poker face ( lady Gaga right there ladies and boys). He’s just like me…totally cocky on the outside doe but cares on the inside just ain’t gonna show it. pick and choose carefully…but then he goes and judges Jamie cuz she fucked 16 guys…she’s upset? Don’t be a slut Jamie that’s way to many peepee’s I’d feel overwhelmed if I was tommy boy too. (Note to all the chicks reading this my cut off is 15 just like Tom, can’t have all of me if you’ve had all of the other guys from gym class, ja feel?). Anyone catch how Tom makes love not sex I fucking love it. Or do I? Haven’t decided yet.
This next Question is rhetorical cuz I’ll just insult her and make you laugh, but why is Jenny just walking around in a bikini all day? Just cuz you have huge knockers doesn’t mean you sexy girl…you’re fat! Ewww I judged hard Jenny and you aren’t even close to being hawt. And fuck her glasses so big and dumb (btw calling it now Jens glasses are not even prescription glasses) so sick of square RayBan glasses era and Sperry’s. We aren’t from that era lets get creative guys we are pathetic copy cats….ps I own a pair of Sperry’s and Ray Bans (yuk yuk yuk, you’re like, “fuck you BigCat right now).

News update Ashley doesn’t care about the whole Jenny-Cory thing (respect the hyphen, needed, probably not but you’ll respect it)? She has to quote on quote worry about her own shit. Maybe not being retarded should be on her list.
**God dammit why do I watch this show?**
I think the most surprising thing in this past hour was that Rob Dyrdek has a baby kangaroo. (Who’s the bitch that’s going to be like, “BigCat BigCat it’s called a Joey.”) fuck you it’s a baby kangaroo, Joey is the name of my friend from elementary school asshole.

Holy cow that confession room is so dirty. That’s really all I can say about that. So much animal sex has happened in there. Can you imagine the role playing and animal noises used? Holy cannoli my mind is wondering with the possibilities. Tom is so cute doesn’t do a thing lets it all play towards him. I use the Same system. It’s called BigCats play book. I don’t chase girls never have, they approach me and Tom too, it’s the only way to know she’s a keeper. They’ll show it right away. Jenny Jenny Jenny, “are there America Towns in other countries like Chinatown?” Fuck me, what do you think Jenny? Read a text book it’s classic Americanization. Ever been to china? Me either but there’s McDonalds there. America Boom!
Arielle takes them to gay town? Castro street, to show them how “she gets down”….we know you already go down no more is needed. Get out of Gayville this is to much gay for me.

So there’s a problem and I support Tom one hunna precent hur. Jamie is a smoke show, send out the patrol for real….but the gauges I can’t get over it. That’s a huge risk for Tom, if Jamie ditched the gauges and if I was as good looking as Tom and had smooth moves just like Tom and was Tom….Tom Tom Tom, blah blah blah. Just bang her already bro!

Cory and Jenny are fighting never would of guessed a juice head and a big taff girl debating on who wears the pants!…obviously not Cory. I will bet my soul he has hit a chick in his life time…but don’t take my bet offer up cuz I literally have taken it up the butttholle on betting this week and can’t take anymore pain. (Fuck Wisconsin basketball and Kentucky). I’m not sure what Cory’s deal is why are you calling your ex to tell em your hooking up with chicks but he plays it off like it coowel playa…Is it dawg? cuz you acting like a bish. It is okay to not be over someone, just don’t show it man. Guy code subtle hints, now the rules and play by then Cory. Thomas, trust issues with girls? Wow wow wow Tom is so careful I love it, you can’t ever be to careful. Unless you’re jay cuz the. I get suspicious like fucking Christ gay boy is working out in cargo short( no one has even gotten a hand job since Nam wearing cargo pants….name that movie kids) and a raglan T-shirt so gay! Also Jay hasn’t spoke to a girl at a club yet? Suspicion about gay so high, he just wants to bump to the beats bro so confused on this kid.
Hold the phone doe girls night for Ashley and Jenny so no one brings drama! Got it…(Ashley you are the drama, ask pop pop while you chill in his belly. Still in shock over that.) While they’re out on their girls night Jamie is trying to train Tom. Don’t train Tom! Dammit Jamie! Let him roam and pee on the carpet boys gotta learn and you learn by making mistakes and getting whooped for it later when she’s crying and bitching about it….then you get laid! It’s a win-win.( section 6 article 3 of BigCats playbook b-t-dubs). Question 900 of the night why’s Jenny flaunting pics of her ex to Cory, total bitch…that’s a crusher right there girls are so mean like I want to put a crying emoji here but I can’t take that chance so you get this ;(. Also I feel like Wes and CT are going to make minced meat out the guys in this season during the challenge in the summer which I for sure will be writing about duh! Biggest move of the night is Tom. Boom Tom knows the right deal, titles are important to girls give them what they want. Again So much gay between jay and Arielle it’s ruining the show bit by bit. One gay is enough don’t tease us MTV this gay and a half shit is ridiculous. And hey did anyone notice how jacked Cory got from those throw back picks. Check me in 2 months recently hit the gym. Did 3 pull-ups, 19 sit ups, and 1.5 pushups….(“is he foreal? Nah. maybe who knows.”)

Biggest issue to address of the night is where did the fedora come from I hate fedoras and since Jenny is wearing it she’s my least favorite person. Just like Cory I can flip my switch too and I was red hot when I saw that and her fucking fake chetta print glasses at the same time. Only person allowed to wear a fedora is Mike Babcock, no one questions him, cuz he’ll kill us all.

**Update Cory is a bitch. Total immature puss, check yo self bro….Jenny has a leash on him btw terrible relationship I’ll give you guys a low down on how a good relationship flows mid week cuz my fingers hurt so bad I’ve been writing for like an hour here.
**Prediction for next week Jays mom dies saw it coming. You can’t leave your sick mom to go to San Fran just can’t he’s paying the price now. She has cancer bro that shits foreal, this isn’t the sniffles and now you’re going to cry on nationally televised tv. You made a mistake can’t take it back cuz there are no redo’s in BigCats world, and guess what you’re all in my world because you’ve read this piece of shit article for the past 10min. Teehee see ya next week cuz you’re to addicted to my bullshit blog.

-BigCat out

Ps I still miss Doug. Maybe when Jay leaves for his mom they’ll shove Doug in his spot. Totes hope so.

Mid-Day News

So can we just address the elephant in the hypothetical room already? Only 2 more 2 days/3 nights till the big episode number 2 of real world ex-plosions and I don’t think there’s a human more excited than myself. The rumour mill is turning and word on the streets from my inside sources say Jenny and Cory are getting pretty heated and I’m not talking Doug “hot tub heated” I’m talking like they are maybe legit together how crazy is that only going into our second episode? But hold up things are bout to get a tid bit more interesting because 16 daysRTT (Reality T.V. Time, for you first timers out there) until the Exes show up and I’m already we bring my pants in anticipation. We all know Jenny is about to ball her eyes out and plea on her knees for her ex not to beat the shit out of her. And Cory is going to be like “awe shit girl” to his ex because I guarantee he thinks he can play around with two chicks at once. Everyone in their right minds knows it takes a special someone to pull that off, and Cory is not that bright. If you wanna pull the double chick bang off look at someone like me you need the balance of 8+ looks (easy for me, natural dime if we are seriously speaking off the record) and 7+ brains which I mean I go to college so got that covered. And badda bing badda boom you can play that card all day. But Cory is not very smart and there’s fact to prove it, look at Jenny!

Thursday morning for an update on this weeks episode.

P.S. This is by far my favorite season of RW yet…it’s also my only season so yeah that brings a little twista to thangs.

P.S.S. How greats this pic? Screams BigCat all over it.


Real World Ex’s

Okay so this episode we saw Ashley (Psycho), Jenny (Huge Cans), Arielle (Lesbian), Jamie (Sick Tats/Cockblocker), Thomas (Team Yacht Club?), Jay (possibly gay, probably Bi) and Cory (Playa Playa). Okay so everyone is doing there typical daily business galavanting around town when they get the buzz that they are going to San Fran, catch 21 doe, they need to leave the same day. Alright cool says jay, “I’ll leave my cancer stricken mom to go sit in a hot tub with some sluts.” So they all gather there “Ed Hardy” shirts and they’re off. So the first four that show up to the house in San Fran are the chicks. The classic chicks meeting for the first time, all of them are so lovey dovey and act like they aren’t going to rip each other’s weaves out for Cory’s cock. Fist guy to show up is Jay, total bitch and a half all the girls look the other way and he pulls some desperate pick up lines. Thomas and Corey come in and then the party starts. Thomas only drinks clear hard liquor? (Does he also have a vagina? Probably figure that out in episodes 4 or 5.) So the girls are very hot (temp wise) and are to retarded to figure out how to turn the heat down since it is an electric fire place. Ashely goes straight to the liquor and screams shots and makes a few calls since shes the queen bitch of SF and declares club night on the first day (Big mistake because she says she has a trainer BF and is going to get busted). So they all go out to the club blah blah blah Jay’s being a puss and Thomas is being the total frat bro that he is and low and behold they all get drunk. They come back from club and Ashley has brought home Frenchy Mcfrencherson from Paris and Jamie is having none of this and totes cockblocks Frenchy by calling out Ashley because she claims she already has a BF and Jamie clearly says, “I don’t deal with cheaters” cuz her ex cheated on her. So Ashley gets all pissy pants and Cory try’s to calm her down and that’s not happening. Ashely makes a bold statement which I love that she can buy anyones family and Cory (being black) not a wise word choice for Ashley, Cory takes that offensively (you can’t script this stuff people. You have an African American male from a poor upbringing and a rich West Virginian girl, I’m pretty sure she subconsciously called him her slave). Cory says that’s irrelevant and Ashely totally disagrees. So now everyone jumps ships and Ashely is left crying calling her “Granny” in the morning. Granny calms here down with her West Virginia hick accent and Ashely is back in action. You might ask, “But, Colin how does one recover from that?” How does Ashley make up for her awful actions last night you ask? Simple she flashes her vag and worthless b cups in front of everyone, and bingo we are back in action for the ones with dicks. The chicks not really buying into it.

So now night 2, let’s go to the club again. Jenny, think less attractive but somewhat lookalike of Kate Upton. Calls her boyfriend/ex who knows? And ask if they are exclusive or not. Totally heartbreaker bf thinking with his cock says no cuz he’s getting laid by some other bimbo right now. So of course Jenny starts crying and everyone pretends to feel bad about her shitty situation that she has made herself by not cutting ties with her ex to begin with. But hold up Jenny is like fuck it after 10 minutes of water works pretending she’s over her boo and finds Doug at the club. Are you kidding me? Who in there right mind would think to hook up with a Doug. All I think of is the cartoon. So they go home and Doug not invited just follows everyone in the house and they can’t shake him loose. So at this point we have Jenny and Doug, Cory and Ashley (already after she said she’d buy his family?) and Thomas and Jamie. Jay can’t get a chick if he was paid and of course the lesbo is eating like a veggie burger alone in the corner. Cory cooks up some hella burgers on wonder bread with only ketchup and drunk Ashely comes along and tosses the burgers on the ground and tosses grease at Arielle for no reason and Arielle says it’s to late to fight and Cory is pissed his food is ruined. So now Doug and Jenny get in the hot tub and it’s a total shipwreck. Doug tries some slick moves. Jenny is “hot” because the water in hot tubs are usually hot and classic Doug lays a great line on her, “Well you are hot” (Fucking Doug, that shit has never worked, just make the move and plant one on her already). So Doug plans to plant one on Jenny and gets a block…poor Doug, bastard can’t catch a break. Jenny asks Doug what his life passions are? (First off who gives a shit? You two are just tryna bone skip the pleasantries am I right?…I know I am don’t answer that). Here is the key to Doug’s terrible love life, his passions are food and music? Fuckin Christ Doug Everyman likes food and music zero brownie points are won with those hobbies. But don’t worry Jenny is just as a much of a catch. Jenny can get pretty crazy with her feet as she notifies Doug she can make hot chocolate with her feet. At this point Doug has to be turned on down there, yet I’m not sure if he’s attracted to her hot chocolate skills or giant cans (unfortunately we will never no). Thomas wants a back rub, total puss move to say, “Jamie lets go smush in my bed” and yes I know that’s a jersey shore line but who cares. Classic move and she falls for it. So Ashley is left in the dark again and Jenny uses Cory to help ditch Doug witch goes off without a hitch. (Surprised?) Ashely’s crying and Doug’s gone. Ashley is now calling her Pop Pop, and I’m almost 100% sure she says, “I just want to crawl up into your warm belly” and Pop Pop was like I understand. Really Pop Pop you understand that? I’ve never heard anyone want to reinsert themselves into another humans belly, but we already know we can’t put anything past Ashley. Now Jenny is horny and Cory has a wiener and they go into the confessional room with giant bear hats on. (Can’t even blame them for wearing great hats) and I’ll let you guess what happens after that, let’s say more bear reproduction activities happen than actually confessions. Matter of fact, I don’t think they even confessed, just shit on Ashely and pans out and you have to wait till next week.


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